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Clinical Hypnosis &
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Changing beliefs and releasing old patterns for transformation & growth

Chantell's office

A beautiful form of combined therapy that is focused on bringing more peace, wholeness and happiness into your life.

These changes facilitate positive physical and emotional benefits that move you forward quickly - 100% of the time. 

Appointments are available in-person and through video telemedicine.

What is Hypnosis?

All hypnosis is


Hypnosis is a natural and powerful healing state that allows you to release old negative habits and and behaviours (e.g. anxiety, fears, past traumas, phobia, depression, study stress) and develop new patterns of health, success and joy in a very short period of time.


All hypnosis is self-hypnosis; it's that relaxing state just before you fall asleep or just wake up in the morning. You are in complete control during hypnosis, with a relaxed mind that is open for suggestion and deep healing.  Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing and healing state that opens up a direct communication line to the unconscious mind without the filters of our fears, restrictions and limiting beliefs. In fact, 20 minutes of hypnosis is equal to 4 hours of sleep.

Did you know, that you are actually in and out of low level hypnosis every 30 seconds or so?  You do this naturally all the time when watching tv, reading, listening to someone and even driving.  If you think you have never been under couldn't be more mistaken!

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming has been termed the

'psychology of success'

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an incredibly effective technique that utilizes our neurology to produce self-talk behaviours that generate successful results consistently and repeatedly.  "Neurons that fire together, wire together" which means that the way we think produces the results we get.  NLP has the ability to permanently remove the emotional reactions related to trauma, PTSD and other significant events in life that give you that 'ugh' feeling and reinforces a sense of peace and ease into everyday life.

When used in combination with Hypnosis, NLP is a powerful tool to release negative emotions and bring the mind into a place of neutrality for fresh beginnings.

NLP takes the 'emotional charge' out of issues in our life that hold us back - for good.

What can Hypnosis and NLP be used for?

Almost anything! If you are willing to do what is required to heal, your mind is limitless.

There are over 200 known uses for Hypnotherapy & NLP which include:

  • Anxiety, Nervousness & Stress

  • Past Trauma & PTSD

  • Health, Wellness & Weight Loss Goals (including emotional root causes)

  • Divorce & Separation recovery

  • Fears & Phobias

  • High Performance Sports

  • Bullying & School Anxiety

  • Dental and Surgical Prep

  • Learning conditions (e.g. ADHD)

  • Pregnancy & Birth (Hypno-Birthing)

  • Study Habits & Exam Preparation

  • Self-improvement

  • Shopping and social media compulsions

  • Habits & Addiction recovery

  • Grief and emotional recovery

  • Procrastination

  • PMS

  • Allergies

  • Sleep & relaxation

  • and many more

Ready to schedule an introductory call to see if hypnosis can help you?

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